Living for his Little Girl

“He thought no one cared, he thought he was on his own”

Jamie, Amanda, and Luna aged 2, an adorable family of three.


Luna won’t remember her Dad when she’s older, but Jamie and Amanda are determined not to let that happen. Ever since Jamie received his Diagnosis, they’ve been spending every moment making memories together, ones that will last Luna her whole life.

There is no known cure for it. There is no research for it. There’s just hardly anything about it because it is so rare.

In June 2016, Jamie was diagnosed with Clear Cell Sarcoma, an extremely rare form of Cancer. Modern medicine hardly understands this cancer, as only 5 people in the last 20 years have had it. Current treatments cannot cure it.

We invited little Luna and her parents to visit us for a casting that will let Luna remember being together with her Daddy. It will be something to treasure when she’s older.

Jamie and Luna Hand Casting

“She’s definitely a Daddy’s girl, as you can tell. She’s had me wrapped around her wee finger since she was born.”

Amanda and Luna Hand Casting

Before their lives changed so suddenly, Amanda admits Jamie was devoted to the gym and work, and hardly got a chance to spend time with him and Luna together.

Since Jamie’s terminal diagnosis, their perspectives have changed dramatically. Now, the three of them are stronger than ever, and Jamie tells us he has learned to treasure the little things.

“We used to do the usual arguing and everything, but we’ve not done that,… It’s like people say, take time to stop and smell the roses. I’ve actually been able to do that”

It was the love of their little girl that gave Jamie the strength to keep fighting his illness, and accept treatment. With the support and kindness of family and friends, and the unconditional love shared between Jamie, Amanda and Luna, it is a battle fought together.

By sharing our time with this inspirational family, we hope to encourage everyone, no matter what they are going through, to never give up, and to enjoy what precious time we have with each other.

“Just do everything you want to do, just go for it!”