Be Brave: Abandon the 9 to 5

That growing desire to escape the 9 to 5, that feeling of unhappiness, boredom and lack of fulfilment from your job. If these are things you recognise, you're not alone. A staggering 60% of employees are dissatisfied in their current jobs.

But, there is always hope, if you are brave enough!

But how do you take the leap and move towards a more creative, fulfilling life? Watch the experiences shared by a recent student of The Edinburgh Casting Studio, as she reveals the motivation and inspiration that kept her going on her journey.

This is the first installment of our documentary series. You'll be meeting everyday heroes sharing their stories, and together we'll explore the often secret side of people's struggles and triumphs- through the art of Body Casting.

Meet our recent graduate, Laura Cameron. Originally from Edinburgh, she now lives in Caernarfon (North Wales), and is the owner and creator behind Lost In the Wood. A spectacular creation of "playful faux-taxidermy, crochet anatomy and soft sculpture foods".

"I went from making nothing at all, to start working with my hands."

"I worked for about 5 years in a civil service job, that was extremely repetitive, wasn't very helpful to people, and I found it really frustrating. But, I stuck it out because sometimes that's what you have do to pay off the debts, and to look like you are being vaguely sensible."

"I realised I didn't want to do, one thing 9 to 5, Monday to Friday any more. I was determined to do something to help me make my life creative and more fulfilled, and to escape the office job that I hated. Body Casting came out of trying to do something a bit more edgy, and bolder than what I'd been doing, but working with my hands and working with people."

"So make plans to leave the job you hate, do it because life is short, and work is long! So working away but feeling bad will effect other parts of your life. But I think go for it, you may as well be a bit reckless, or just call it brave".